In the future, PMC steel will strive to build the most competitive steel enterprise, constantly improve the level of energy conservation and environmental protection, and constantly improve the comprehensive competitiveness of the enterprise. PMC will unswervingly follow the path of scientific and technological innovation, comprehensively introduce domestic and international leading technology and equipment, research and develop and produce high-precision and high-quality steel, and achieve comprehensive optimization and upgrading of industrial structure.

PMC strives to build an enterprise culture with the characteristics of the times and PMC, enrich and develop the enterprise spirit of "innovation, reliability and professionalism", carry forward the value concept of "strong steel country" and "building a boutique base and creating a world brand", and strive to become a world-class steel enterprise.

A modern large-scale iron and steel enterprise is thriving on this fertile soil in Maanshan City, Anhui Province! All PMC people will fully depict the grand blueprint of green PMC in the century with passion and wisdom!